As most of you know, I LOVE traveling. I love to travel for fun but also to better myself as a photographer. I recently flew to Ohio for a two day seminar on senior photography. I have to say, learning aside, I had an awesome time!! I made some great friends who not only love photography as much as I do, but they were just as crazy. It was great! The only minor problem was the fact I got stuck overnight in the Chigaco airport. This wasn't really so bad given the amount of time I spent in airports during my flight attendant days with Delta. I can't wait to put all of my learning in to practice with the seniors that I have scheduled. I know that all of you are going to love your images that we create.
More news, we are in the process of turning my garage-studio in to more of a studio-- studio. Yes, the garage door will be gone along with the tracks, which I hate. I'm so excited! It will be so much nicer and I can't wait to share it with you. I have also ordered a couple of senior backdrops and am working on some sets of my own. I hope to give all of you something original!!
SENIORS--If you haven't booked your session, please do so as soon as possible. Due to the amount of time spent shooting and editing each session, I can only take so many clients. When thEse sessions are gone, I will be unable to schedule more. We are all about quality and not quantity! At this time, I'm booked for the month of July and only have four more sessions for August. I'm also booking fall sessions at this time!
INVITATIONS--Personalize your invitations with your senior portraits. A great alternative to the traditional invitations that you get from the school. I will have some examples posted, soon.
Sorry it has been so long since my last entry. I've had so many adorable sessions that I've failed to share. I've got to get better at this.
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