Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Price and Kenson

O.K. we won't even talk about how long its been since I blogged. I promise, I will try to do better. I have several exciting new products I will be introducing over the next couple of days. I can't wait for you all to see the items I will be offering. I will also be posting some previous sittings in with my recent sessions. If I miss your child's and you would like to see it on my blog, just send me an email and I'll be glad to get it posted.

I would like to share a few photos from a recent session....two very sweet and photogenic little brothers. I've known the Mom and Dad since high school and really enjoyed getting to meet their little sweeties. I hope you enjoy the pictures. They were all so good it will be hard to choose. I had a hard time picking out which ones to share on the blog.

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